What if you had the power to shift and mold your child’s mind from “I can’t do it!” to “I can do things that are hard?”

You can.

Our kids are bombarded with messages constantly. Between media, socials, and the world around them their minds are constantly filled with messages that are not always positive, uplifting or empowering.

A friend says something mean on the playground and they think less of themselves.

A grown up tells them they aren’t smart enough and they believe it.

A teacher shames them for making a mistake and they don’t feel good enough.

A family member insinuates that they are too weak and they think it is true.

The media tells them they need to abandon their beliefs and values to fit in and be liked.


My Daily Journal


Your child has a terrible day and someone told them they are horrible at something they love.

Instead of believing they aren’t good enough or that they are lacking, they know that they are enough. They are kind. They love themselves and accept who they are. They have built a growth and empowered mindset that allows them to speak kind to themselves as well as others.


Learn and use positive affirmations that impact thoughts about themselves and others

Cultivate gratitude for their lives and all their blessings

Foster daily creativity and imagination

Develop empowering and healthy habits like drinking water, moving their bodies and caring for themselves

You’ve tried it this way.

You tried relying on schools or outside programs to teach your child healthy mindset skills.

You’ve tried telling them and speaking love and acceptance but it falls on deaf ears.

You’ve tried giving them space to figure it out and it’s not happening.

There is another way.

What’s the secret?


What’s included:

✔️ 20+ sample affirmations

✔️ Emotion and Feeling Chart

✔️ Affirmation Space

✔️ Gratitude Space

✔️ Creative Space

✔️ Body & Mind Check in

✔️ End of Day reflection

When Meggie was little, she experienced a traumatic event at the age of five and picked up the belief that she wasn’t good enough.

She carried that belief into motherhood and it took learning and using affirmations to change her mindset and transform her thinking.

As parents, we want to avoid trauma and wrap our kids in bubble wrap to protect them from the harsh realities of life.

But we can’t.

What we can do is give them tools and resources to foster and grow an encouraging and growth mindset that will carry them through every up and down life throws at them.

This is Right For You If…

You want your child to develop a growth mindset

You want your child to feel empowered

You want your child to practice healthy habits

You want your child to speak kindly to themselves and others

You want your child to foster an attitude of gratitude

Hi! We are Real Life Learning Co

Real Life Learning Co provides tools and support for families to raise growth-minded and conscious children.

We believe that together we can raise a conscious, heart centered and loving generation through real life learning, experiences, and opportunities.

Heidi and Meggie met through a love of fitness and nutrition. In 2020, they both decided to homeschool and realized they had a deep love for teaching their kids through real life experiences and giving them opportunities to share their gifts without outdated demands and academic rigor. In March of 2022, Real Life Learning Co was born. It has been the most rewarding and fun journey as they continue to grow and expand the company and brand.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the age recommended for the journals?

My Daily Journal Little Kids is designed for ages 4-7

My Daily Journal Big Kids is designed for ages 7-12

How do I get my journal?

Once purchased, we will ship your journal to you within 7-10 business days of purchase!

Can I get it faster?

Yes! You can get it printed and shipped directly to you through amazon. Click here to order and scroll all the way to the bottom where it says Prime Shipping.

What if my kid doesn’t like doing the journal?

Just like any new habit, it can take time to develop. We have found that doing a journal alongside our kids makes it fun and a family activity. It is important to give the ownership to your child and let them do as much or as little as they feel called to do.