Every year you intend to make it a great summer for your kids...but how?!

We got you! All you need is the...

12 week summer guide that's easy-to-do, budget-friendly and fun for the whole family

Value: $119

Price: $39

After week one of Summer:


The reality has hit.

How are you going to entertain them all summer?

🥊 Keep them from fighting?

📱 Keep them off their devices?

🧼 Keep your house (semi) clean?!

This is every parent’s nightmare (and let's be honest...reality).

😡The kids are fighting

😫 Your patience is frayed

...and you’ve exhausted your typical summer list of activities. 😓

You start to feel stressed, so you quickly search Pinterest but feel overwhelmed and frustrated because it feels like TOO much. 


Included BONUSES!

  • My Daily Journal MINI: A 20 day mini journal to focus on growth mindset, positive self talk, gratitude and body awareness
  • Additional Activity Ideas: An extensive list of ideas to keep kids busy at home and away from the house!
  • Summer Habit Trackers: A fun and easy way to establish good habits over the summer. Use the ones laid out in the Summer Guide or track your own
  • Virtual Masterclasses: Need to keep your kids busy for awhile so you can take a shower or get some house work done? These bonus masterclasses are the perfect solution. They are fun and interactive. Classes include: Growth Mindset, Food as Fuel, Mindfulness & Breathing, Moving Your Body & I AM Canvas Paint Class


You could grab a done-for-you 12 week Summer Guide with OVER 300 activities to have summer feel EASY and FUN.

With the Best Summer Ever Guide…

✔️Keep your kids busy with boredom busters to give you some alone time to enjoy a hot cup of coffee or shower in peace

✔️Have more quality time as a family to create memories and moments that will last a lifetime

✔️Create more structure and routines as a family for less chaos and more calm

✔️Inspire creativity, curiosity, and fun each and every day

✔️Teach and develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime


You’ve searched Pinterest and tried a new activity only to have it entertain them for 5 seconds.
You’ve tried to be the “fun” mom and let them do whatever they want and everything ends up in giant chaos.
You’ve exhausted your mental, physical, and emotional tank to keep them entertained 24/7 and you just can’t do it anymore.

And the worst part ALL THE SUDDEN IT IS JULY & Summer is HALF OVER and your original intention to have fun + make memories is dwindling....


What’s the secret?

What others are saying about the Best Summer Ever Guide:

We only get 12 summers with our kids...you blink and it’s over. 🥺

You crave connection with your kids & those tiny moments that become core memories

You love watching the spark of curiosity + pure joy in your kids

But you don't have an easy way to create those moments…until NOW! 


☀️ A fun weekly theme and habit focus

🧑‍🍳 Kitchen activity to explore new foods and practice skills

🗣 Family discussion questions to create meaningful conversations

🌱 Nature adventure to explore the world around you in new ways

📚 Book recommendations to support a love of reading

🎨 Craft project to inspire creativity 

🎲 Game to promote fun, turn taking, following directions and bonding

🧮 STEM activity to stay curious and inquisitive

😎 Boredom Busters to give you some time to yourself 

📆 Fun habit tracker to build healthy habits

Hi! We are Real Life Learning Co

We are work from home mommas and we get the stress, overwhelm and frustration that summer can bring. 

That is why we created something truly special for summer!

We are passionate about helping families create meaningful + memorable moments.

We believe learning can be done through real life experiences, situations, and spaces. Real Life Learning Co provides tools, supports + resources to support parents learn and grow alongside their kids.

Don't Miss Out!

This is right for you if…

✅ You want to have an engaging and fun summer with your family

✅ You want easy + unique activities and ideas at the tip of your fingers

✅ You are open to spending quality time with your kids to learn and do things together

✅ You want less stress and more ease

✅ You are willing to try new things and activities

✅ You want to have a meaningful and memorable summer with your kids


Do I really need a guide for summer? 

YES! Let us take care of the heavy lifting so to speak and you get the perks of having endless ideas and activities for your kids to be engaged and entertained all summer long!

Frequently Asked Questions

What age range is this product recommended for?

This product is ideally for 4-12. Some of the activities might seem for younger kids and some might seem for older kids. There are extension activities and ways for you to modify as needed! If an activity doesn’t feel like a good fit, skip it!

What if I don’t like an activity?

With over 300 activities there is bound to be one or two that you just don’t want to do! So don’t! This is your summer! We want you to enjoy your time and do things that bring you and your family joy!

How do I get my download?

Right after purchase you will get prompted to create an account on Teachable to access the digital + electronic versions of the Best Summer Ever Guide

Is there a printed version?

Yes. At the bottom of the page there is a link to a printed + shipped version of the Best Summer Ever Guide

Do I need to purchase anything else?

We suggest starting a gratitude journal at the beginning of summer and recommend My Daily Journal but also offer to use a plain notebook as well!

Can I share this with others?

We would LOVE if you shared that you got the Best Summer Ever Guide with your friends on social networks! You cannot share the content or insides of the guide. They are for your personal use only. 

Don’t Wait! Have the BEST SUMMER EVER!

SUDDENLY IT IS JULY & Summer is HALF OVER and your original intention to have fun + make memories is dwindling....